Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Forever Up My @$$

I love a good trip to Forever21. I mean, I can kill it in there and walk out with a pretty full yellow and black bag of goodies to help me look stylish and pretty. You know, we girls love to look pretty.

But I also have to endure mannequins dressed like this model:

Ladies, y'all KNOW you're not going to look like this model in this Sweater "Dress" and you know you're going to Hooker-it-Up with some Hooking Up Hooker Boots (or as I like to call them, HUH? Boots) and you KNOOOOOW your friends are going to LAF at you behind your back and if you live in the Atlanta area YOU KNOW I'm going to see you out at East Andrews wearing this and snap a pic on my camera phone and post you up here. Sigh. That was a run on sentence.

Please wear this with skinny jeans and some cute black boots that don't go up your knee. I mean, it'd be super cute, right?

Please at LEAST wear some black leggings underneath.

No, tights are NOT pants and you will be ridiculed if you wear them.

Lastly, FAIL if you try to wear these with those patterned tights that look like you have some weird skin rash.

If you don't believe me, bend over. Yes, your lady bits are hanging out. Dress denied. BAM.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes I agree I'd look retarded with just the dress on....*sigh*