- Bambi

- Candi
"Um... bubbles!"
- Destini

"I dunno...maybe I should stop telling people that I'm a 'dancer.'"
- Lexi
" Haha! Yeah, you're no ballerina... hey, anyone want a lap dance?"
- Cristal
"Hey girls, I was out in downtown Columbus recently and there was a gaggle of middle aged woman who by the sight of their hair are still living in 1985! But apparently these 1985 loving townies love shirtordresses as well! I took the best pictures possible. Enjoy!!"
Today's guest post is brought to you by
Suffering With A View.
This is all part of the 20
Something Bloggers "Blog
Swap 3".
Don't forget to go check out my
post over on her site.
This is my guest post on Shirt or Dress. To be honest I had some
great post ideas that involved me or my friends dressing in drag and
having my friends girlfriend comment on our attire. Sadly it did not
work out due to time constraints and a heavy workload.
So instead I ran through my facebook photos for some scantly
clothed females that might have attended one of my frat parties back
in the day. I realize that our parties were in a cold frat basement so
their weren't a lot of skirts/dresses going on.
The bars would have been perfect for documenting said phenomenon
(shirt or dress) however I rarely bring cameras to bars with me so
I've got none of that.
Instead I've got a girl that caught my friends eye during beer pong
and led to my several wins. She was dressed up as a slu.... cop? I'm
pretty sure she was wearing a dress but when sitting down looked like
she was wearing nothing. I would call this outfit more of a shirt as
the dress part is clearly not doing it's job.
Please ignore the hand with the ping pong ball attached to the body
wearing the priest outfit.