Friday, February 27, 2009

Let's hear from the judges...

SIMON: That could quite possibly be the worst thing I've ever seen someone wear. What were you thinking? Awful. Just awful.

RANDY: Yeah, dawg. I dunno, I dunno. I'm not feeling it...

NEW CHICK: I am awesome! I worked with Celine Dion. Blahblahblah

PAULA: Yabba dabba doo!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ladies, yet another way to look like a skanky sloot!

I'm thinking it. You're thinking it. We're all thinking it - who did she shack up with last night? Woot woot!

Who's to blame? These people.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Back that shirt up!

I was totally thinking about that Juvenile song when I wrote the headline, but I stumbled upon this video on YouTube when I searched for the link.

Um... I know you're scared of that "cock-a-doodle-doo???" Seriously?? Who is this guy? I'll never understand Nashville. Also, I'm fully aware this has nothing to do with the rest of this post or this blog in general... but... UGH. I had to share.

Monday, February 23, 2009

O Canada? More like OMG Canada....

Congrats to Erin, winner of the 100th Post Caption Contest. Since Erin is Canadian, I figured a tribute to our barely dressed neighbors to the North would be appropriate.

I'm not entirely sure if the leather leggings count as pants. Although, hey, at least she's clothed.

Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your hoodieordress.

...I think you need a new one.

Terrence and Phillip? No, it's not a stretch. They are obvi wearing tunics with leggings.

And then there's her:

I mean, hands down, Pam wins the Shirtiest Canadian award, right???

Friday, February 20, 2009

100th Post Caption Contest Finalists!

JD's mom, Mama D has come up with the finalists. Now, vote vote vote to see who gets the AWESOME prize!!!!!!!!!! I would have picked "Tri-Runner's quote if I could BTdub...

And here are some more Posh pics along withe some ACTUAL Posh quotes to keep you entertained. See y'all Monday!

“I dress sexily - but not in an obvious way. Sexy in a virginal way.”
I don't think Posh was EVER a virgin. She was born skank.
“Is my dress too short?"
You mean your shirt?

“[No doubt the glamorous affair was inspired by the pair's summer holiday together on the fashion maestro's yacht in the Med.] I'm really excited to be here and I love my dress, ... It's been a bit of a mad rush to get ready. But I'm here and that's the main thing.”

Mad rush? You don't say. Think you forgot anything?

Who captioned this best?

Shirt or Dress or Skort?

Jessica Simpson CANNOT be serious about this...

Three Things:
1) J.Simps explains how she didn't want her pants to split in the middle of her performance. So she wears a skort. What? I feel like it's that episode of The Simpsons where Homer gets fat so he can be on disability and then goes and buys a Moomoo because it's the only thing that will fit him. Jess just gave up, right? Homer Simpson? Jessica Simpson? Coincidence??

2) Who the eff wears a skort???

3) No, seriously... who the eff wears a skort!?

Tennis Players

10 year old cheerleaders

And Jessica Simpson...

Okay, okay, sometimes pants aren't needed...

Damnit. Okay readers... this is the one time - ONE TIME - I actually think something would work better as a dress.*

Also, JD's mom and one of her fellow teachers will be judging the 100th Post Contest so look for the results later today! Haven't entered? Feel free to still make your comments. Who knows when those pesky 8th graders will simma' down enough for Ma D to concentrate on the important task of judging this contest.

*Edit - on second thought it would be atrocious as a dress, too. But, for debating purposes, I choose shirt side.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Beam Me Up, Shirty


And also, for your amusement, there's this:

It really is amazing how well star trek syncs up with cheesy 80s music

Go To Jail!

Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
Looks like the dude on the left is contemplating becoming Lady Jailbird's accomplice.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is SEW bad.

How to Make A Dress from Tshirt - The funniest videos are a click away

Sew was that pun.

100th POST! Contest

And Posh Spice has me speechless....
In honor of SOD's 100th post, we're having a contest!!!!! WoooooOOOooooOOOOOooooO!

Okay, simmer down now. Here's the deal:
1) Write a witty caption for the picture above and leave it as a comment to this post.
2) Friday, JD's mom ( an avid reader of this blog) will pick her 3 favorite comments.
3) We'll post them in a poll and readers will vote for a winner!

Winner gets a PRIZE!!! Yep - a real live in-the-real PRIZE!!!

Happy Shirtordressing... 1 -2 -3 GO!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

What I like about you?

You really know how to not wear pants.
Oh wait. That's just effing annoying. WTF Amanda Bynes!?

Shirt or ugly hideous pink thing?

You decide.
Um... I can see your...uh...everything. SHIRT
Amanda, this look isn't All That. All That would include pants. thanks Subway Girl!
Say Solange to your pants! thanks Heidi!

First person to leave a comment with the name of the movie I quoted in the poll wins a prize!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Et tu, Rachel?

I wonder if Sophia Bush and Rachel Bilson know that when you wear this look, it's as if you're saying to the world:
"Hey world, I woke up this morning and forgot my pants. Also, I want to be a gladiator!"

We all live in a land of shirtordresses, a land of shirtordresses, a land of shirtordresses

It seems that people are actually trying harder than we initially thought to irritate us. I found this site while searching the internets today. Silly internets and your web search results.

I think that if the shirt were a Hannah Montana tee, I'd be okay with this. I'd still laugh but to desecrate a Beatles shirt? I sort of want to punch this chick in the nose.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009