I really just can't decide whether the skankiest part of this photo is the tramp stamp, the back rolls, the backless shirt worn as a dress, the see-thru shirt worn as a dress, the cigarette ass grab, etc etc etc... so many choices. But seriously, doesn't the guy know that her dress is probably seriously flamable? That's GOT to be a fire hazard. Discuss.
I want this person to actually be a man in the worst way.
She probably doesn't need to worry about the garment catching on fire because it is "tight fitting." See http://www.extension.iastate.edu/publications/ncr174.pdf. Also, the fabric from which the garment is made will influence its propensity to ignite.
If the shirt wasn't backless, you wouldn't see the back rolls. And, really, that's the least skanky part. Who doesn't have back rolls? We all do, but most of us cover them up.
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