Thursday, March 26, 2009

Will somebody PLEASE think of the children!!!!

The ever-so talented, Laurie, of the Your Ill-Fitting Overcoat writes:
"Even Dora the Explorer is getting in on the shirt-as-dress action! Say it ain't so!"

Soon, Dora will emerge as a tween version of herself, teaching the kids how to say "I'm dressed like a skank" and "my ass is hanging out" in Spanish.

I'd like to refer everyone with children to pick up a copy of the cleverly written, "Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like a Skank" by Celia Rivenbark because clearly Nickelodeon and Mattel have not gotten the memo.


Andhari said...

hahahahaha :P you're amazing.

Unknown said...

Wow.. cartoon shirt dress.

Your blog is adorable! I love it!

Heidi Renée said...

Sweet Jesus, she looks like a Bratz doll.

Hippoleetoe said...

I wanna read it !

rachaelgking said...

@Heidi She DOES look like a Bratz doll! I couldn't figure out what she was reminding me of.