Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You're not supposed to drink when you're pregnant!

Bless your heart, you're so zapped of energy from your pregnancy that you forgot your pants at home. Poor girl.

Oh. You're not pregnant? Huh. Then why the eff are you wearing a maternity shirt??!

Also, your friend washed her kid sister's dress one too many times. She really should use Tide. It keeps your clothes fresher longer (up to 30 washes!)

Finally, who's the guy wearing the jean shorts? AND Ed Hardy shirt. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH. This entire picture is atrocity at it's worst. If he were wearing sunglasses, I think my head would explode.


Matt said...

I have an ed hardy shirt...

Anonymous said...

hahaha this is hilarious! love your blog!

Bloggal said...

lmao!!! hell yes! sunglasses in the club? not what's hot lol.

D* said...

You crack me up. Everytime. Haha. x

Subway Gal said...

Hate the maternity "dress." I think the word you are looking for to describe it is not "atrocious," but rather, "shiteous." I think that describes it well, and it's also one of my favorite words. Anyway, I hate hate hate dresses or shirts that look like maternity wear because when you compliment the girl on her pregnancy and she turns out to not be pregnant, there is that whole awkward silence thing.

bianca said...

You know that guy has sunglasses in the pocket of his jean shorts waiting for the right moment to put them on. I wear my sunglasses at night...

Also, I love how that maternity shirt is shiny so it's reflecting light. Not a good look.

BloodRedRoses said...

So maternity shirts are a no go? Damn. I like looking like an expectant mother... gets me the boys every time.
