Monday, December 22, 2008

Maybe we should blame Disney for this alarming trend...

But seriously, why doesn't the duck wear pants? Minnie wears a dress.


Nicole said...

donald duck was banned in Finland (i think it was finland) because he doesn't wear pants...

jgm said...

i love donald and daisy!

i think it's weird that he doesn't wear pants but yet wears a towel after a shower.

but i gotta give daisy some credit to be the only female able to pull off the shirt as a dress look. :)

me melodia said...

she's a hooch.

Frankie said...

hey you! 20 Something Insight here haha. So I have a new blog (on blogger)called Show Some SKins and want you to check it out. so do it NOW. jk, im just excited about it. :)

Subway Gal said...

Thank you! I totally agree and have been wondering if anyone was ever going to address this issue. Because I'm definitely too lazy to do so myself. Anyway, Daffy was a complete whore. It's no wonder that people like Miley Cyrus exist.

Shopaholic Homebodies said...

Hehe, love Disney and never noticed the difference between Daisy and Minnie. Maybe b/c Daisy has a bigger badonkadonk, so they put a shirt on her instead?