Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pam Anderson Has Lost Her Mind

Perhaps it's in the same place as her pants.


Anonymous said...

hahaha I saw this on the news last night and immediately thought of your site.

Keep up the good work.

Gigi knows best! said...

Ugh, I saw this yesterday! She looks awful, doesn't she?

Subway Gal said...

WTF! Well, at least she was wearing makeup. Have you seen her without? It is scaaaaaaaaaaary!

Laurie Stark said...

That is the shirtiest shirt in all the land.

p.s. Did you get your CD? I sent it from Florida and who KNOWS if the postal system down there actually works.

Anonymous said...

For a moment, I thought it was Brittany!!

Anonymous said...

I don't care who you are, that is just wrong.

D* said...

She's also lost her undies. hehe. x